While there is no one formula for creating a high-performing team, there are certain behaviours that are essential.


High-performing teams are a rare breed. They are not simply groups of people who work together well, but rather, they have a unique set of behaviours which sets them apart from the rest. While there is no one formula for creating a high-performing team, there are certain behaviours which are essential.

If you want your team to achieve great things, then it’s important to understand what these behaviours are and make sure that they are embodied by every member of the team. This article will explore the core behaviours of high-performing teams and show you how to put them into practice.

The first step to creating a high-performing team is understanding what behaviours are necessary for success. Many different behaviours can contribute to a team’s success, but there are four which are essential:

– Trust: The foundation of any successful team is trust. Without trust, team members will be constantly second-guessing each other, which will lead to unhealthy conflict and ultimately hinder productivity.

– Communication: For a team to function effectively, there must be regular communication and it needs to be open and honest. Team members need to feel safe to express their ideas without fear of judgement or reprisal – this will only happen when there is trust.

– Respect: All team members must respect each other, regardless of position or seniority. This includes both professional and personal respect.

– Commitment: Every team member must be fully committed to the team’s goals. They will have clarity about the vision and the main priorities. When teams achieve full commitment, everyone can move forward with confidence in the team’s decisions, secure in the knowledge that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Adopting the behaviours of a high-performing team is not something that will happen overnight. It requires a conscious effort from every member of the team to make it a reality. That means consciously working through each of the behaviours and working out what it means for an individual and for the team as a whole and then being prepared to hold each other accountable for those behaviours.

You could even think about measuring the success of the team in their adoption of the new behaviour. Doing this will help you to identify any areas where the team might be struggling and address them accordingly – individually and together. It will also give you a clear indication of whether or not the team is truly committed to making the change towards high performance.

One of the biggest challenges leaders face when attempting to change team behaviour is getting everyone on board. This can be difficult, especially if the team is not used to working in this way. There may be resistance to change, or some members of the team may be unwilling to fully commit to the new behaviours.

Leaders must be prepared to deal with these challenges and remain patient while the team adapts. It’s important to remember that change doesn’t happen overnight, and there will likely be some bumps along the way. However, with time and effort, a high-performing team can be created.

What to do next?

Ready to map out the change you need to make in your team?
Get in touch. At Beyond the Barriers we work with organisations of all sizes to get the best from their teams and help move them from barely performing to high performing.

Want to know more? Keep reading about high-performing teams.

1. Characteristics of high-performing teams
2. How to build a high-performing team
3. Leading high-performing teams
4. Performance profiling
5. Behaviours of high-performing teams
6. High-performing team model
7. High-performance culture