What gets measured gets managed.

High performance is not a mystery, nor is measuring the successful implication of any performance programme…either on the individual or the bottom line. While raw numbers may seem easier to demonstrate an improvement on, there are several ways to measure – and manage – personal development that would allow the individual to see how they have changed through the process.

Psychometric Tests

Psychometric tests are a type of assessment that is used to measure an individual’s cognitive abilities and personality traits. There are a variety of different psychometric tests that can be used, including intelligence tests, personality tests, and ability tests. Each test is designed to measure a different aspect of an individual’s personality or cognitive abilities. The use of psychometric tests has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many companies now use them as a part of their selection process and indeed as a continued development tool. These can be used by themselves or in conjunction with a behavioural profile.

Behavioural Profiles

Behavioural profiles are a type of psychometric test that is used to measure an individual’s behavioural tendencies. They are often used in team development programmes to help team members build awareness of themselves and others. Behavioural profiling can for example help teams identify both individual and team strengths and weaknesses. They can help teams explore communication preferences amongst team members and how to adapt your style to get the best out of others. Behavioural profiling can be a fantastic for building trust, improving relationships and developing team cohesion.

There are a variety of different behavioural profiles that can be used, including the DISC profile, the Thomas-Kilmann Profile, the Meyers-Briggs Profile and C-ME. Each profile is designed to measure a different aspect of an individual’s behavioural tendencies and also to show which team members may complement or conflict with their preferences.

At  Beyond the Barriers we use a range of both psychometric and behavioural profiles to help organisations assess and develop their teams and to help individuals within teams appreciate both their zones of genius and zones of development. Both are useful tools when used as part of a wider action-led development plan.

What to do next?

If you’d like to explore behavioural and psychometric profiling to enhance your team’s performance, get in touch as we’d love to assist you on the journey to building high performing teams.

Keep reading about high-performing teams.

1. Characteristics of high-performing teams
2. How to build a high-performing team
3. Leading high-performing teams
4. Performance profiling
5. Behaviours of high-performing teams
6. High-performing team model
7. High-performance culture